Pros and Cons of Share Desking

Intro to share desking

The use of share desking has become common in many workplaces as it promises cost savings and improved collaboration. But as with any new concept, there are pros and cons associated with it. Lets take a look at the benefits and drawbacks of using shared desking in the workplace.

Pros of share desking:

1. Flexibility: Shared desks give employees more flexibility to move around depending on their current needs. This ensures that each team member has access to resources according to their requirements, which can save time in the long run by eliminating redundant tasks.
2. Cost Savings: Since multiple people share one desk, employers are able to save money on office equipment costs by investing only in the essentials needed for everyone who uses them instead of individual equipment for each person.

Cons of share desking:

1. Lack of Privacy: As several people use one desk, there is a potential lack of privacy when working if other colleagues need to use the desk while youre working or distract you with conversations about nonwork related topics (or viceversa).
2. Hygiene Issues: With multiple people using one desk during a single workday, there is a real risk that issues such as unhygienic conditions due to handling food on desks could arise, leading to crosscontamination or allergic reactions amongst coworkers using them afterwards. Therefore appropriate measures need be taken when implementing shared desks in order protect everyones health and well being at work.


Shared desking is an appropriate solution for those who have social needs such as collaboration, communication and brainstorming, While it may not be appropriate for those who work on projects alone or are uncomfortable with the close proximity of others.
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